Wednesday, November 7, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Couples Challenge

            SO, I know it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, but I wanted to start a little planning for Christmas time! This year I will be spending my first Christmas with my fiancé so I thought I’d make it a little fun.

            Alright, so I put together this thing called “The 12 Days of Christmas Couples Challenge”. It’s pretty simple. Essentially there are 12 tasks to complete before Christmas, they’re you’re typical Christmas activities. For each task you complete you take a picture to document it and at the end you’ll put it all together in a scrapbook. My fiancé and I will be a dual military relationship soon (I commission soon) , so I wasn't sure how many Christmases we will have together in the future.  I thought the scrapbook would be a good idea, that way we can look at it when we can’t spend our Christmases together. This is my first time doing this, so once I have my finished scrapbook, I’ll post pictures: D

So here are the tasks, you can complete them in any order and modify them to work for you!

The 12 Days of Christmas Couples Challenge Task Sheet:

Build a Gingerbread House

Make Christmas Cookies

Decorate a tree

Hot cocoa/ eggnog & Elf ( or any Christmas movie)

Drive around and look at Christmas lights

Visit the Christmas Village at Busch Gardens & take a picture w/ Santa

Go to a Christmas Parade

Kiss Under the Mistletoe ( yes, I know, it’s cliché)

Make Christmas ornaments OR buy Christmas ornaments that remind you of each other

Buy matching Christmas pajamas

Bake a birthday cake for Jesus

Buy a toy(s) for Toys-for-Tots/ any Volunteering/ Charity Event (adopt-a-family, caroling, etc.)

I hope you guys have a fun time complete these tasks! I know they're pretty generic Christmas activities  but documenting them and scrap booking them will make great memories to look back at, especially if it's a first Christmas with a loved one. :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Deocrate Awkward Spaces- Apartment Style

Decorating Awkward Spaces

So, I recently moved back to school and am in an apartment and boy is it bland. It's taken my roommates and I a while to get going with the decorating, but we came up with this lovely idea late last night while rearranging. The doors to our laundry room are right when you walk in and pretty much in our open kitchen space, so we wanted to add a little pizazz! We used the following...

(1) Weekly Calendar Wall Sticker - I bought this for $5 from 5 below.
(2) Tree & Birds Wall Sticker- This is my roommates, but I've seen them for about $10- $15 at Target.

Because these doors are right on our way out the weekly calendar was a great idea so we could check it on our way out the door or to have it as a reminder for upcoming events. I love the Tree & Birds stickers because they're a neutral color and won't clash if we decide to decorate the surrounding area more and the birds are each their own individual sticker, so you can pretty much arrange them how you want! :) 

 Living in an apartment is hard because you have to consider the fact that you can't damage the walls. These wall stickers are fantastic because they're easy to put up and take down and don't cause any damage. They're always great for easily decorating awkward spaces like doors! :)

Happy Decorating!